<<I wrote about a visit to a Quaker meeting in the summer for this site. I said they throw out the baby Jesus with the bathwater of dogmatism.
Christianity is, at root, a cult of this mythic personality.>>
I replied with this:
<<A note - Quakers are not a Christian denomination, they are a group of believers who hold in common an approach to religion that cherishes different sources of truth and believes in the importance of personal revelation. They don't necessarily worship the 'mythic personality' of Christ, but they can do, if that is the truth revealed to them.
If you want to have Christ-worship in common with all your fellow believers then I suppose Quakers are not for you, but if you want a radically liberal approach to religion, which I think you do, and are willing to believe in Christ when those around you may not, then it might be what you are looking for.
This is just a thought, otherwise I'm pleased that the Episcopal Church can give you something of what you are looking for although I suspect more of it was to be found in England than you say.>>
I searched out Theo's piece on the Quakers (Thursday 18 March 2010 13.00 GMT) where he writes of his disappointment with the lack of Christian symbolism and structure at a Meeting he went to.
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